Murdoch University’s internet security experts have pointed out some worrying facts about the use of quick response codes. As the popularity of QR codes has started to rapidly rise, and as 2014 is being declared the year of the quick response barcode, Murdoch University’s leading online security experts are now placing these black and white squares under the microscope and are asking whether they are as safe to use as they appear. The very nature of the quick response code makes it quite difficult for a user to identify potential…
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QR codes are infecting devices with Trojans
There are a number of fake Android games that are leading to Boxer variant infections. According to a recent report from researchers, a range of different fake game downloads in conjunction with strategically placed QR codes have been infecting Android device users with a variant of Boxer called Trojan.AndroidOS.Generic.A. That virus has been created to send text messages from infected devices to premium numbers. The researchers who conducted this study were from ThreatTrack Security Labs and were able to come across a website that was hosting artificial Android apps that…
Read MoreQR codes can come with pharming risk
These barcodes and portal sites could expose mobile device to security threats. There is a form of pop up window that is becoming more common for mobile internet surfers and that is posing a threat both for them and users of QR codes in terms of the security of their personal information. Device users are being advised to pay close attention to the barcodes they’re scanning and the pages they click. According to Bitscan, an internet security company from South Korea, QR codes and popular portals such as Daum and…
Read MoreThe best practices for the secure use of QR codes
Quick response codes are becoming popular among both mobile marketers and consumers, but malware is becoming a concern. As with virtually every other form of online technology, mobile barcodes are now falling victim to misuse by malicious individuals and companies that are beginning to use it as a new form of cyber attack. QR codes are inexpensive for brands and retailers and simple and convenient for smartphone using consumers, allowing them to gain instant access to apps to be downloaded, informational or mobile commerce websites, email list subscriptions, videos, or…
Read MoreNorton Labs launches new QR code scanner that can protect from malicious content
QR codes have not only become popular amongst businesses, they have also become a very useful tool for hackers. The codes have piqued the interest of smart phone users in the U.S. for the last four years, becoming more popular with each successive year. Hackers have seen this rise in popularity as a great opportunity to get their hands on people’s sensitive information. Recently, QR codes linked to malicious content, such as malware, have been becoming more common. Acclaimed security company Norton has released a new QR code scanning application…
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