QR Cake and other fun QR code stunts

QR code technology allows the lines between online and offline activities to be blurred… by offering a wealth of information and special deals to reach consumers through their mobile device. Some have come up with clever ways to use the QR code to attract the attention of just about anyone. Fun with QR code cake Cakes are fun. Cakes that require 245 kg of chocolate, 390 kg butter, and 730 kg of cheese along with 750 kg of evaporated milk quite literally add up to tons of fun. Tencent, a…

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Dubai doing it big again but this time with QR codes

A number of companies have displayed their ingenuity in using QR codes. The codes have had a significant impact on how marketers reach consumers, but some have not been content with the normally sedentary nature of the codes. Generally, QR codes are an accompaniment – often tucked away in a corner – while the more flashy aspects of advertising soak up the most attention. Those looking to make the codes a more prominent piece to their marketing campaigns have gone so far as to constructing massive codes out of paint…

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