The #IndiaVsTobacco campaign was launched in Bangalore by Karnataka Health Minister Dr. K Sudhakar. A vibrant QR code is the crowning jewel of a new #IndiaVsTobacco billboard campaign launched in Bangalore with the goal of making the country tobacco-free. The quick response barcode makes it possible for people to scan the posters to inform themselves. The tobacco campaign’s QR code is printed visibly on all posters and billboards, which will be displayed throughout Bangalore to help boost interactive engagement with respect to the health impact of using tobacco products. Each…
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QR codes hidden under bottle caps reveal much more information
A North American company is now tucking the barcodes under the lids of its bottles. Crown Closures North America is grabbing hold of the mobile marketing potential offered by QR codes by printing the barcodes under each of their bottle caps in order to be able to provide a swath of information to consumers from a very limited space. The effort aligns well with the results of recent studies that have indicated that more consumers are scanning. A recent survey conducted by Pitney Bowes, for example, reported that in the…
Read MoreQR codes are getting their revenge by performing well
Despite the huge success the barcodes are achieving in China, there are still those who cling to doubt. Over the last few years, as mobile marketers have been learning the ropes for the proper use of QR codes, some of the epic failures have overshadowed the many massive successes that their campaigns have achieved. This has caused a general level of controversy to build over the value of using the barcodes. Strangely, even though QR codes seem to be coming into their own, doubters have become quite rigid in their…
Read MoreQR codes used by Nestle to share information
Nestle launches new initiatives involving QR codes Nestle, the largest food company in the world, is launching a new initiative involving QR codes. The company has made use of the codes in the past for the sake of mobile marketing, so it is no stranger to the way the codes work. This initiative will expand throughout the company’s prolific product portfolio and is designed to appeal to consumers that are interested in learning more about the Nestle products that they purchase. Codes used to offer nutritional information The QR codes…
Read MoreQR codes demonstrate considerable success in Pitney Bowes research
The survey showed that more than a quarter of consumers aged 18 to 34 had scanned a barcode. Pitney Bowes Inc. has released the results of their most recent survey in a report that demonstrated that QR codes have gained a significant amount of acceptance among consumers in the Western world. North American and European consumers both showed an increase in use of the barcodes. There were 5,000 consumer participants in the study, which reported that there is an average use of QR codes of 15 percent among all age…
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