The auto manufacturer is placing the barcodes in certain fleets of Chevrolet rental vehicles. General Motors has revealed that it is now placing QR codes on the vehicles of certain rental fleets as a part of an overall marketing strategy to help consumers to learn more about these vehicles. The auto maker has not failed to notice the popularity and efficiency of the barcodes in marketing efforts. These QR codes have already been spotted in some of the Chevrolet Malibu rental cards that are being rented out through Enterprise. They…
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QR codes may be dethroned by SnapTags
SnapTags may serve as a powerful alternative to QR codes Despite criticism regarding their appearance, QR codes remain a powerful tool in the realm of marketing. Advertisers have shown favor for QR codes because of the codes’ ability to connect with consumers in a dynamic fashion. The codes are particularly effective at catching the attention of mobile consumers, those that use their mobile devices heavily in their daily lives. For many advertisers, and consumers, QR codes still represent a visual oddity, which can often impair their performance. As such, advertisers…
Read MoreQR codes aren’t just for retail
Though QR codes are getting a great deal of attention for their marketing uses by the retail world, non-retail businesses are discovering many of the advantages of this technology, as well. For example, professionals such as accountants, lawyers and insurance agents, are discovering that these codes can be printed in newspaper and magazine ads, in brochures, on business cards, blogs, website, and even T-shirts and other forms of marketing materials. Smartphone and tablet users are rapidly discovering that these tools help them to obtain useful information, to compare prices and…
Read MoreJCPenney launched new QR code campaign to boost mobile commerce
Earlier this year, retailer JCPenney launched a mobile marketing campaign that made use of QR codes. The company has since grown enamored with the concept of mobile commerce and has continued to expand their use of QR codes. The company has now launched a new website where consumers can shop for clothing and make purchases online using their smart phones. The codes associated with this new site have been embedded in several print publications, such as the magazine Cosmopolitan. With smart phones continuing to show remarkable growth amongst consumers, more…
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