Earlier this month, Verizon wireless announced that it would not be supporting Google’s ambitious mobile wallet program. The telecommunications company’s new Galaxy Nexus smart phone is one of the first mobile devices to be able to interface with NFC technology, which allows phones to double as payment devices. Google has invested heavily in NFC technology in order to establish its presence in the industry of mobile commerce, but the company has been finding staunch opposition from amongst competitors. Technology, however, often succumbs to the whims of enterprising individuals who are…
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Most British consumers fear smartphone hacking with mobile payments
Worries about hacking into smartphones have been expressed by most British consumers when discussing concerns related to the use of mobile wallets and payments through their mobile devices. Intersperience data has shown that it is likely that these worries will slow the acceptance of new mobile payment systems across the country. In order to obtain this data, Intersperience interviewed more than one thousand consumers in the United Kingdom concerning their attitudes toward using mobile wallets and other mobile device payment systems. They discovered that only 17 percent wanted to use…
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