Some Chinese residents have become victims of fraudulent traffic tickets. QR code scams are hitting China as the country’s society becomes increasingly cashless. Now, scammers who want to make easy money, are creating quick response codes and applying them to fake parking violation tickets to trick drivers into paying. Parking tickets with legitimate QR codes are commonplace in China. The reason the con artists are having success is QR code payments have become extremely commonplace in many parts of China. According to Nikkei Asian Review, a recent study revealed that…
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QR code scam places hundreds of parking tickets on cars in China
Fraudulent parking tickets with quick response codes were placed on vehicles in northern China. A QR code scam has unfolded in the Hebei Province in Northern China in the city of Shijiazhuang. More than one hundred drivers had received fake parking tickets with quick response codes printed on them. Drivers returning to their vehicles found legitimate looking parking tickets on their windshields. The tickets involved in this QR code scam were well designed. They were not simply photocopies of the same notice. Instead, they appeared to be legitimate as they…
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