Mobile web browsing is overtaking traditional screens at a break- neck pace. As more and more people purchase smart phones and tablets, the number of mobile web users will continue to grow, affecting the way people search for products and services. While mobile web use is undeniably a growing trend, the majority of people still use traditional screens at least part of the time. This increasing usage of multiple devices (sometimes running simultaneously) means that your business must work to reach a wide audience on many different screens. When developing…
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Research shows iOS sees the highest level of browsing on the mobile web
According to the results of research conducted by NetMarketShare, the operating system through which there is the most mobile web browsing is Apple’s iOS. The study showed that in December 2011, 52.10 percent of browsing on the mobile web originated from iPhones and iPads, while Android devices represented only 16.29 percent of mobile web browsing. Equally, 7.67 percent of all web browsing came from a smartphone or tablet device, which is a notable increase from February 2011, when it was only 3.88 percent. The second largest mobile web browsing share,…
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