Among the barriers to shopping on smartphones is the struggle with typing on a tiny screen. Even though the Millennial generation is typically considered to be tremendously mobile-savvy, a recent study has shown that a full 15 percent of them have never conducted any m-commerce shopping activities at all on their smartphones. Also revealed was that 34 percent of that generation find it challenging to use a small screen to type. In this study, which was conducted by the Ampersand ecommerce agency, but commissioned by YouGov online, it was shown…
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Smartphone addiction prompts “text walking lanes” in Belgium
People are paying so much attention to texting and so little attention to real life that one city has taken action. Antwerp, Belgium, has become the latest city to join into the trend of protecting its residents who have a smartphone addiction by creating text walking lanes that are meant to keep people from wandering into dangerous situations when they fail to glance up at the real world while they are texting. This may sound as though it is a silly thing to do, but texting while walking has become…
Read MoreMobile payments to go mainstream by 2020
Report predicts the mainstream success of mobile payments Mobile payments are expected to become a mainstream phenomenon by 2020, according to a new report from Compass Plus. The number of consumers that are engaging in mobile commerce is growing daily, with more people having access to NFC-enabled mobile devices than ever before. Banks and retailers are becoming engrossed in mobile payments, launching new services and looking to support mobile consumers in a more dynamic way than ever before. Banking experts have high hopes for the mobile commerce space The report,…
Read MoreMobile technology growth moves ever upward in Africa
The markets throughout that continent are primed and ready to take off in this tech field. The future of mobile technology is one of the most common questions asked in the entire tech industry, and one of the areas where its impact and growth will soon be seen in the most rapid moving way is in the African market. While smartphones are owned by the majority of people in many markets, they’re not there yet in Africa. However, the African marketplace is now on the cusp of a massive shift…
Read MoreMobile trends show drivers use smartphones for many reasons behind the wheel
Research has shown that these devices are being used for selfies, video chatting, texting, social media, and a lot more. Law enforcement across the country has been trying everything that they can to try to convince drivers that the mobile trends associated with increased use of smartphones while behind the wheel is exceptionally dangerous to both the occupants of the vehicle as well as people and property around them, but according to a new survey, this isn’t really getting through to many device owners. Moreover, the AT&T survey has shown…
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