Banks in the country are highly protective over their turf, making the tech’s adoption slower. Australian customers aren’t using mobile payments nearly as much as those in other parts of the APAC region, according to new research that points the finger at the country’s banks for preventing faster adoption of the tech. This is an interesting trend when taking into consideration that Australians are heavy smartphone users. The research was conducted by the Griffith Asia Institute, which published the results of its analysis. They showed that while Australians are among…
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Mobile payments sector in Australia adds another option
Visa and Vodafone have announced that they are joining together for a new app. At some point in 2013, Australians with Android devices will have a new mobile payments opportunity available to them as a result of a partnership that has been formed between Vida and Vodafone. Vodafone SmartPass, through prepaid services, is already in a trial run among Australian Android users. That mobile payments service is based on a SIM card that is NFC enabled. Vodafone also has intentions to bring a new Windows Phone app into the mix.…
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