Mobile marketing to undergo considerable growth

Indonesia Mobile marketing

Indonesian marketplace is primed for an explosion in this sector over the next few years. According to a mobile marketing study conducted by global market strategy consultants Roland Berger, the sector in Indonesia is right on the edge of an explosion which will more than double its size by 2016, making it a critical channel for connecting with consumers. The research suggested that the country has one of the fastest rates of I.T. growth in the developing world. The report that was released on the study showed that Indonesia currently…

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Mobile marketing will make up half of budgets in five years

mobile marketing budget

The sector will still not be able to reach its full potential due to a skills gap that will continue to exist. The results of a study by Experian Marketing Services have predicted that by the year 2017, companies and brands will be spending 50 percent of their budgets on mobile marketing. However, at the moment, progress is stunted due to a lack of understanding of the sector. Those responsible for implementing mobile marketing techniques are still struggling to fully comprehend the medium and are challenged by the methods used…

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Mobile marketing revenues to reach $352 billion worldwide by 2018

Augmented Reality Technology Global Mcommerce Growth

New Global Industry Analysts report predicts massive growth over upcoming years. The last few years have shown that mobile marketing has rapidly become extremely important to companies and brands of all shapes and sizes, and a new report has indicated that this trend will only continue over the next few years. The marketplace is experiencing a shift from traditional to smartphone friendly. Print formats are giving way to digital based advertising and mobile marketing technologies as smartphones and tablets increase their presence among consumers worldwide. The appeal for this new…

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Preparing for 2012’s mobile marketing environment

Mobile commerce and the future

Every day there are more people who are adding themselves to the list of individuals who have smartphones, and these devices aren’t just meant for voice communication. Mobile data is now an important part of the smartphone industry and of peoples’ daily lives, from reading their newspapers to listening to music. Smartphones and tablets outsold PCs, laptops and netbooks in 2011, and this trend is expected to continue. The world is clearly becoming a mobile place. It’s up to retailers and marketers to keep up with the demands and expectations…

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