QR codes provide mobile marketing statistics through uQR.me

Beijing qr codes on everything

The quick response code generator site has launched a free stats page to assist marketers. A free generator site for QR codes called uQR.me, which was created by Mobile Leaves, has now announced that it will be providing mobile marketers with statistics relating to the use of its barcodes. This service is designed to be completely free and uses data from millions of worldwide quick response code scans. The service has a massive database that includes the scans from millions of QR codes from around the world that have results…

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Mobile marketing has high exposure in 18 to 34 age group

mobile marketing demographic

This demographic is being seen as highly important to marketers as half of them use small screens first. According to the results of recent research from Weve, which is attracting the attention of mobile marketers around the world, small screens – that is, those of smartphones, tablets, and other connected gadgets – are considered to be the first and most important channel for almost half of the age group demographic of 18 to 34 year olds. The research determined that the importance of the small screen to this group makes…

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Mobile marketing budgets predicted to take off in Asia Pacific

mobile marketing trends asia pacific

A survey has revealed that one third of marketers intend to spend 75 percent more. Warc has now conducted a new survey in the Asia Pacific region on behalf of the Mobile Marketing Association that has shown that 90 percent of marketers in that area are expecting that they will be increasing their budgets for advertising and promoting over smartphones and tablets. In fact, among them, the majority will be adding a considerable amount of money to their budgets. Among the participants in the mobile marketing survey, 34 percent believe…

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Lack of Strategy Slows Down Mobile Marketing Growth and Restrains Program Effectiveness

Mobile Marketing cost

There have been rumblings within the marketing profession for a number of years as to how important mobile marketing will be for businesses. Clearly it is widely known that an ever growing number of people are using their phones for more than just making calls with approximately 40% of people in the US owning a smartphone with this increasing to 50% in the UK. These people are using their phones to check emails, check Facebook, and surf the internet, so it makes sense for marketers to specifically target this market…

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QR codes help mobile marketers to achieve a highly desirable goal

QR Codes used in mobile marketing campaigns

Feeding instant gratification is a need for any marketing strategy, and barcodes suit that perfectly. If there’s one thing that mobile marketers know about consumers, it’s that instant gratification is always a win, and it is now being discovered that QR codes are helping to meet that need. These barcodes come with a promise that something appealing will occur right away. This is the concept of instant gratification and it is one of the most effective forms of mobile marketing that can be achieved. It can be extremely useful when…

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