While mobile health is becoming popular among patients for tracking, they are not sharing their data. According to the results of a new mhealth survey that has been released by Mobiquity that has shown that while many patents are embracing mobile health technology as a way to be able to better track and monitor their diets, activity levels, vital signs, and other helpful data, at the same time they are not all that likely to actually volunteer to share that information with their doctors unless those physicians specifically ask for…
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Gadgets for mobile monitoring have been implanted into humans
A man has now implanted a massive sized computer chip into his arm without doctors or anesthetic. Mobile gadgets are taking a whole new direction as a small alternative movement of people are starting to insert them into their bodies through surgeries that are not performed by doctors and that are performed without any anesthetic. These individuals have labeled themselves to be “biohackers” and are implanting devices into their bodies. Biohackers are the first steps toward being cyborgs and often implant gadgets into themselves for the purpose of living longer…
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