Mobile marketing examined by Millennial Media

Mobile Marketing Statistics 2011

A recent study has looked into the way that this channel is now being used by consumer packaged goods. Millennial Media has just released its latest report containing data it produced based on an exploration of how the consumer packaged goods (CPG) vertical is applying mobile marketing to their efforts. This is the latest in a number of related studies that are being performed by the company. The mobile marketing research is the most recent in the Mobile Intel Series by Millennial Media, and has produced one of the most…

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Google sends the mobile ad marketplace beyond the forecasts of the industry

Mobile Advertising trends

The mobile advertising marketplace in the United States is currently in a state of explosion, and is growing much more rapidly than even the highest projections that had been made by the industry’s analysts. Google mobile search is currently receiving a great deal of the credit for the advertising business that reached all new heights last year and this year is already lining up to leave 2011’s figures in the dust. The recent surge in the ownership of smartphones and the omnipresence of the mobile ad networks – such as…

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