The search engine giant has accused Nokia and Microsoft of using its patented technology. Google has filed a regulatory complaint in Europe which has accused Microsoft and Nokia of illegally using its mobile commerce patents which has led them to generate billions of licensing fee dollars, threatening to send the prices of wireless devices skywards. The complaints were made to the European Commission, the continent’s main regulator. The same complaints were also made with the Federal Trade Commission and U.S. Justice Department. Representatives of Nokia Corp have not made themselves…
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2012 will put the spotlight on Amazon, Nokia and Microsoft for mobile
According to the results of a survey performed by Chetan Sharma Consulting, a Washington-based firm, this year, it is predicted that the leaders in mobile will be taking significant steps forward as they attempt to take the lead from the top mobile operating system, Android. The predictions made from the data collected in the survey, called the “2012 Mobile Industry Predictions Survey”, were derived from the responses of about 150 industry insiders on the worldwide mailing list of the consulting firm. They also forecast that m-commerce and mobile payments will…
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