Smartphones may offer vital mhealth services to new mothers

mhealth mobile phones

Women living in inner-city areas could receive important assistance when they are pregnant or have a new baby. A recent study has shown that smartphones are proving to be a very helpful mhealth tool for pregnant women and new moms who are living in urban areas and who are struggling financially. These women often don’t receive the level of health care that they require, says the research. The study, which was conducted by Johns Hopkins, went so far as to call mhealth tools via smartphones “change agents” for interventions in…

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Mhealth wanted by one in three patients


According to the results of a recent study, one third of people would like to communicate with their doctors over mobile. A new poll conducted by HealthDay and Harris Interactive has shown that owners of smartphones and tablets are already keen to use mhealth services over those devices in order to help them to interact with their physicians. However, the demand for mobile health services is outpacing the number of providers ready to offer. Though many patients are already using their smartphones for sending messages and finding useful information online,…

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Mhealth pilot study surprises with low healthcare worker uptake

mobile technology mhealth program Africa

The program was run in rural South Africa within a treatment program for MDR-TB with poor participation. An article published in PLoS Medicine has revealed that a new mhealth app designed for healthcare workers who work in a rural South African treatment program for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) has failed to generate uptake by those employees. The report indicated that the data gleaned from this pilot could provide important lessons for scaling of these initiatives. The Mobilize mhealth app provided standardization for the tracking and recording of MDR-TB patients through the…

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Mhealth study in Brazil shows tech can help the poor

mhealth industry

Researchers have found that this technology can be very helpful to people living in the slums of Rio. A study conducted in Rio de Janeiro has now shown that using mhealth technology for monitoring patients who are living in poor urban neighborhoods can help to increase the access that those individuals have to healthcare services while decreasing the amount of spending required to provide that care. The study was conducted in one of the city’s hillside “favela” slum regions using the latest technology. The New Cities Foundation conducted the research,…

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Mhealth still has work to do before it is truly practical in a clinical environment

mhealth industry

Panelists from a hospital forum have agreed that there is still progress needed before the devices can be integrated. According to a panel at the Hospital Cloud Forum from the Information Management Network last week, doctors still need to be able to find a way to integrate mhealth and the data available through those systems into clinical care. The devices that would be used would be connected to the cloud and would bring physicians and patient data together. Mhealth could provide a very important way to bring the data regarding…

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