Mhealth apps recommended by 1 in 3 doctors

mhealth mobile technology health

A survey has shown that more than a third of physicians like mobile health applications for their patients. Manhattan Research has recently released the outcome of a survey that it conducted with the participation of 3000 doctors, and which showed that over one third of them have recommended the use of mhealth apps to their patients within the previous year. That said, many of those doctors made recommendations of specific applications that they preferred. The Manhattan Research vice president of research, Monique Levy, explained that about the same number of…

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Mhealth potential identified by drug trials company


A pharmaceutical testing firm has found that mobile health could greatly improve patient monitoring. Exco InTouch, a firm based in the United Kingdom that assists in the testing and clinical trials of new drugs made by pharmaceutical companies, has identified considerable potential from mhealth technology as it works on growth within its marketplace. That company is now using mobile health tech in order to monitor patients participating in clinical trials. Over the last six years, the company has reported an increase in its turnover from being a few hundred thousand…

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Mhealth is being held back by data breach risks

mhealth industry

A recent survey has shown that this lack of confidence could be problematic for the mobile health category. A small survey that was conducted at the HIMSS14 conference in February 2014 has revealed that when it comes to the adoption of mhealth, the attendees had a serious concern regarding the risk of patient data breaches. This survey was admittedly conducted on a limited sample, but it does provide some valuable insight. It was conducted by Axway, a data management vendor based in Phoenix, Arizona. What it showed was that mhealth…

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Mhealth services remain untried by 90 percent of U.K. adults

mhealth apps

This, according to the results of a new study that have recently been released. New research conducted by Pintsent Masons – a legal firm – in conjunction with YouGov has now been completed and the results have been released to show that when it comes to mhealth services, a massive 90 percent of adults in the United Kingdom have never even tried them once. This is the case despite the fact that the research took established apps into consideration. The survey determined that before being provided with the definition of…

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Mhealth apps are not always tremendously popular


Although the category is enjoyed by millions, more than half of its apps are barely noticed. A new report has now been released by the IMS Institute for Healthcare Informatics that has revealed that as much as mhealth apps are very popular and the categories at app stores are rapidly growing, more than 50 percent of those available are downloaded only 500 times or fewer. There were a number of different types of insight that were revealed by this research. Within this research, all of the apps from the iTunes…

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