Black Friday to be a proving ground for holiday-oriented QR codes

mobile holiday shopping

Black Friday is here and retailers are looking enlisting the aid of QR codes to help manage the crowds of shoppers heading their way. For retailers, barcodes have been a valuable tool for decades. QR codes are becoming more popular with businesses due to their ability to streamline and expedite the shopping process. Companies like Sears, JC Penney, Kmart and Macy’s are using the codes to weather the storm of shoppers on the busiest day for the retail industry. Sears has integrated QR codes into their expansive holiday shopping strategy.…

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Macy’s to include mobile marketing in its back to school strategy

Macy's Mobile Marketing Campaign

Macy’s has announced that it has launched its back to school marketing campaign which includes a mobile effort that will support, which is a youth volunteer organization. will be receiving one dollar from Macy’s every time a particular QR code is scanned using a mobile device inside the mstylelab in the retailer’s stores, to a limit of $250,000. Scanning the 2D barcode provides customers with information about the volunteer organization and social responsibility, in addition to helpful videos that concentrate on the latest styles and fashions. One of…

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