Mobile commerce sales in UK increased in June

UK Mobile Commerce

Spending over tablets has risen considerably and is making a major contribution to this channel’s figures. According to the latest figures that have been issued regarding mobile commerce sales in the United Kingdom, there have been massive year over year increases recorded when comparing June of this year to that of 2012. Even the comparison of the sales figures from May to June have shown a very meaningful rise. The report that was jointly issued by Capgemini and the research firm called the Interactive Media in Retail Group (IMRG) has…

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Mobile commerce popularity is on the rise

Mobile commerce Trends

A recently conducted study has shown that shopping over smartphones is certainly increasing. According to the latest study conducted on mobile commerce, up to 78 percent of smartphone users are applying their devices to the shopping decision process for choosing the products that they will buy. The study showed that these devices were often used for shopping behaviors such as product comparisons. The study was conducted with the participation of 400 users of both smartphones and social media users in India, from among 4,000 total participants. The study indicated that…

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M-commerce moves forward into the desktop ad spending share

mobile commerce trends

Advertising dollars to target smartphone carrying customers are taking a growing proportion of overall online spending. According to the latest statistics and forecasts from emarketer, m-commerce ad spending is continuing to chip away at the budgets that are being set aside for all online advertising, including desktops. The research has suggested that spending for desktop banners may reach its peak in 2014. The increase in spending for m-commerce channels has, at the same time, started to eat away at the amount of money that is invested into desktop ad formats.…

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M-commerce research from comScore reveals important consumer trends

technology news report statistics

The company is now offering a new unified view of smartphone and tablet shopping behaviors. comScore has just announced that it is now offering a new and unified view of the m-commerce and web use habits of consumers as they browse, research, and purchase over their mobile devices. The new Digital Analytix Multi-Platform has been designed to help to enhance revenue and brand loyalty. comScore Inc. has just launched this new Digital Analytix Multi-Platform, which is a web and mobile analytics system that reveals customer behaviors as these consumers alternate…

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