QR code pet tags help dogs and cats get home

qr code pet tags

Pawcode has announced its new quick response code products to give peace of mind to animal owners. A website in Australia has just announced its Pawcode Australia service that uses QR code pet tags in order to be able to make it easier for people who find a lost animal to be able to communicate with its owner so that it can be returned home once again. One of the largest fears of animal owners is to have their furry family members go missing. With these innovative QR code pet…

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QR codes used in Argentina to find missing kids

QR codes missing children

Barcodes help missing children to be found in Buenos Aires An organization in Argentina has seen the opportunity presented by QR codes and has chosen to take advantage of the technology to assist them in reaching their goals more effectively. These barcodes are being used to help to spread the word about children who have gone missing. The charity is called Bandera Blanca Missing Children. It helps to bring children back to their parents again when they have gone missing. This new technique using QR codes gives parents another way…

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QR codes help owners find lost possessions with the help of good Samaritans

QR Code Marketing

Digital lost and found brings people together with their missing belongings. Belon.gs has announced its new service based on QR codes that allows lost belongings that are labeled with personal barcodes to be scanned with smartphones so that they can be returned to their owners. The system is very simple and allows people who have found items to do good deeds. Whether the possessions are valuable because of their high price or for sentimental reasons, by using a label that features a scannable QR code, it increases the odds that…

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FoundIt! uses QR codes to improve the experience of lost-and-found

QR Code Service

FoundIt!, a startup company based in Seattle, will be officially releasing the second generation of their unique identification stickers at SXSW 2012, and they will now be much more durable and will feature QR codes. The purpose of these changes is to help to much more effectively ensure that lost items find their way back to their owners through an experience that is just as easy for the person who finds the item as it is for the member of FoundIt!. Katie Bandstra, the marketing director for the company, said…

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