Mobile wallet trial in Salt Lake City shows increasing activity

isis mobile wallet

The latest statistics have shown that the NFC technology based payments average 5 transactions per user per week. While mobile wallet projects may have had a slow start, causing some to doubt whether or not they’d ever take off, the Isis trial in Salt Lake City is starting to show that once people adopt the service, they become active users. Isis remains in its very earliest phase, existing only in official trials within two cities at the moment. According to Jim Stapleton, the chief sales officer for the mobile wallet…

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Mobile wallets may be arriving sooner than expected

mobile wallets

This is placing greater pressure on retailers to upgrade their point of sale terminal security. Though mobile wallets and other types of payment systems have been dragging their heels in the United States, falling short of many expectations, the launch of ISIS in Austin and Salt Lake City could propel the adoption of the service forward. This could make it even more important for retailers to meet their upgrade deadlines. So far, the launches of the leading mobile wallets have been based on near field communication (NFC) technology. This means…

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Mobile commerce jumps ahead in Austin with ISIS release

Verizon Mobile marketing

This launch was announced by Verizon Wireless, in conjunction with the launch in Salt Lake City. Verizon Wireless, one of the participants in the ISIS mobile commerce joint venture, has officially announced that the smartphone wallet service is now available in Austin and Salt Lake City as a part of the long awaited official launch. The wireless provider held a store event at its location in Great Hills to celebrate the Austin launch. The service had its official start on Monday in both Austin, Texas and Salt Lake City, Utah.…

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Isis to be trialed in Aramark cafeteria in New Jersey

Isis finally goes on trial An Aramark cafeteria located in Verizon Wireless’ headquarters in Basking Ridge, New Jersey, will be the first place in the U.S. to official trial the Isis mobile payment platform. Isis has become one of the most hyped and anticipated mobile commerce platforms to date. The platform represents a partnership between AT&T, Verizon Wireless, and T-Mobile, and is expected to be the most prominent platform in the burgeoning mobile commerce industry. After years in development, the platform will finally be tested in a commercial setting. Mobile…

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Mobile payments standard not included in iPhone 5

iphone mobile payments NFC technology

NFC has not made its way into the latest Apple device, causing many to question the technology. Near field communication technology (NFC) has already been facing a great deal of struggle to get started, and now this would-be standard for mobile payments has taken another blow with the announcement that the chips are not embedded into the iPhone 5. Now, the prospect of using smartphones as wallets is becoming more heavily questioned. Advocates of NFC had high hopes that Apple would give its endorsement. They were greatly disappointed, though, when…

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