Malicious QR code found by Kaspersky

QR Code Security

One of the first malicious QR codes has been found by Kaspersky, the acclaimed Internet security company. Until now, the prospect of malicious codes has been nothing more than a tentative concern, though many security companies has been warning of the time when QR codes would become devious anti-security tools. Security professionals had warned that malicious codes could be very effective due to the willingness of consumers to scan any codes they find. Kaspersky reported the finding on its SecureList blog. It was only a matter of time before someone…

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AVG warns that QR codes are not as risk free as they appear to be

QR Code Security

The illustrious internet security company AVG has been warning of an impending wave of cyber crime for years. The company has made a name for itself combating the threats present on the Internet, but now hackers are using a new tool that the company cannot protect anyone against: The QR code. According to AVG, the unassuming little barcodes have been causing a problem in online security lately. The problem lies in the inviting nature of the codes. QR codes are a popular marketing tool whose expansion in the realm of…

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