People are now using smartphones and tablets for shopping to the degree that they are part of the norm. The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) has released a mobile shopping trends report. It is titled “Mobile Commerce: A Global Perspective.” Within the report, the IAB showed that 75 percent of smartphone and tablet users are mobile shoppers. They had purchased at least one product or service over their mobile devices in the previous six months. The study took an in-depth look at the way mobile device users from 19 countries saw…
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Survey shows almost three quarters of tablet owners make weekly purchases
According to the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) U.K.’s most recent report, tablet owners spend a lot of their time every week, shopping and browsing items on their mobile devices. The report was based on a survey conducted by the IAB, which examined the way that online and mobile are used throughout the process of making a purchase. What it determined was that almost three quarters (72 percent) of tablet owners will use their devices on a weekly basis to make purchases, and that they spend an average of 4.4 hours…
Read MoreNew Interactive Advertising Bureau report ranks the top American mobile shopping cities
The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) has released a first-of-its-kind list of American cities that ranks them in terms of how mobile shopping savvy they are, with Houston topping the list. The report ranked the cities based on their mobile shopping audience and what proportion of the people who live within those cities either used mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets to research products to be purchased later in brick-and-mortar shops, or actually made the purchases online using the device. According to the Deputy Director of the IAB Mobile Marketing…
Read MoreResearch shows business mobile marketing budgets on the rise
The results of a recent survey performed by the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) have shown that the concerns that had initially held back the progress of mobile marketing have been effectively addressed in order to let it move forward at an explosive rate. The study examined the rate at which mobile advertising is growing, and it showed that many of the problems it had faced – such as those imposed by the limitations of mobile phone technologies or by networks – have been significantly improving through developments in broadband for…
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