A new survey released by MGH Modern Marketing, a full service marketing agency, shows that enthusiasm for QR codes is at an all time high. The codes have displayed their prowess at content distribution since they began seeing extensive use in the U.S. nearly two years ago. Originally developed in Japan, few thought the codes would catch on like they have. Thanks to the widespread use of mobile devices, the codes are now becoming a cornerstone of marketing. MGH’s survey shows that 70% of smart phone users have used, or…
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Axicon Services releases QR code upgrade
Oxford based Axicon Services, a leading barcode verification solution provider, has announced the launching of their latest service to make use of QR codes. The codes will be used to better facilitate registration systems for clients, allowing consumers to sign up for services via QR scanning. Axicon’s customers will also be privy to expert advice from the company’s Barcode Bureau. The codes are able to encapsulate a large amount of data in a comparatively small space. While the codes can be generated for free, a number of agencies have emerged…
Read MoreWhy do schools like QR codes so much?
QR codes have made their way to the campuses of Abilene Christian University. On Tuesday, students were offered a free barcode scanning app for their smart phones, encouraging students to take advantage of the new codes riddled throughout the campus. The codes are allowing students to access digital content on their mobile devices and will help them connect with fellow students. The codes will also be used to promote school events. The school’s library has already implemented the codes as a way to give students additional access to the facility’s…
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