Google Glass shows promise as an mHealth wearable therapy for Autism

mHealth Wearable Technology - girl with tablet

Standford Researchers have found that Google’s smartglasses helped improve socialization in Autistic kids. Google Glass could soon be used as an mHealth wearable therapy to improve care management for children on the Autism spectrum. Researchers from Stanford University School of Medicine found that when the smartglasses were integrated with an AI platform, this digital at-home therapy helped autistic children improve their socialization skills better than standard care. The study found that children using the mHealth platform had significant improvement compared to traditional therapy. The Stanford University School of Medicine study…

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Autistic children could use Google Glass app to boost social skills

Mhealth Google Glass app for autism - QR Codes

The application for the wearable technology may also assist these kids in improving the ability to communicate. Brain Power, a startup based in Massachusetts, is now in the process of developing an app for Google Glass that will assist autistic children in being able to learn both communication and social skills. The Glass app would also offer caregivers some vital feedback about how they can help the autistic child to cope in life. The Google Glass app is called the Empowered Brain Suite for Autism, and it works by encouraging…

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