Wearables are used by a small fraction of adults

smartwatch wearables technology

Over 80 percent are already using smartphones and among them, most have Android mobile devices. Although both last year and this year have been declared the year of the wearables, and many have expected that these devices, such as smartwatches and smart glasses, would go mainstream, it looks as though it may require a little bit more time for that hype to turn into consumer adoption. The results of a recent study has shown that wearable technology is used by a small minority of adults. This research was conducted by…

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Wearable technology’s top brand is Apple, even though its device isn’t out yet

Apple Watch apps -wearable technology

Despite the fact that it won’t be releasing its smartwatch until early next year, it is still the brand in the lead. Even though Apple doesn’t yet have a wearable technology that is actually available to be purchased on the market, it has already become the leading brand in this category which has a considerable number of participants with products for sale. Consumers won’t be able to actually buy and test the Apple Watch until the start of next year but it is already a favorite. This was part of…

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Wearable technology isn’t seeing astounding sales figures

smartwatch wearable technology

Some are starting to ask whether or not the market is going to die off before it really took hold. Regardless of the dramatic hype that has been generated for products from Google, Apple, and Samsung, there is a growing number of analysts that are starting to say that wearable technology – ranging from smartwatches to augmented reality glasses and fitness bands – may never see the types of sales figures that have been achieved by smartphones or even tablets. The reason, according to some analysts, is that these mobile…

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Wearable technology is seeing a tough path to success

Power balance fitness band wearables technology

For every step forward that the wearables sector has seen, there appears to be another step back. At a time in which fitness trackers are supposed to be becoming an explosively popular form of wearable technology, those that are already in existence are finding themselves suffering from a tremendous number of hurdles and bumps in the road. Nike is planning layoffs within the fitness accessories line with its FuelBand, as Fitbit faces recalls. Many experts in the mobile industry have been predicting that this year would be a defining one…

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Wearables will be owned by 1 in 5 people by August

smartwatch wearables technology

According to a recent study, a fifth of people aged 17 to 75 years will soon have one of these devices. This year, wearables are making a tremendous splash, as devices from fitness bands, to smartwatches and from augmented reality glasses to smart jewelry, and a recent study has indicated that by August of this year, one in every five people between the ages of 17 and 75 years in Australia will own at least one of these mobile devices. It has been predicted that sales will reach 10 million…

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