Exploring the differences and similarities of the two

QR Codes vs. NFC mobie marketing

QR codes have started springing to life here in the U.S. as businesses and entrepreneurs alike have discovered their simple wonder as a marketing tool.  Meanwhile, mobile technology developers have all ready came out with another genius tool; the Near Field Communication (NFC) tags. QR codes and NFC devices are similar, yet very different.  Both, if used correctly, can help propel your business presence from the physical to the virtual world. QR codes are a small square box that looks similar to a 2D, pixilated barcode. They can be embedded…

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Mobile marketing on a budget

Maintaining your business presence to consumers can be a daunting task in a slow economy. Most small and medium sized businesses are cutting back on any unnecessary spending, just to stay open. Priorities are re-set; some things are put off, and other tasks, like advertising, are getting a minimal budget. There is good news; QR Codes have made it possible for you to keep your public presence, without going broke. Advertising expenses can add up quick for a small business; and chances are, you will only reach a small percent…

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