Sundar Pichai has announced that the AI model development teams will be added to the DeepMind unit Google has announced that it will be consolidating internal artificial intelligence teams and bringing them into the DeepMind unit. The announcement was made by CEO Sundar Pichai in a blog post The post was made on the company’s official website by the Alphabet and Google chief executive officer. There, he explained the company’s decision for consolidating the artificial intelligence model building teams into DeepMind, including the Research division teams. DeepMind was first formed…
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New Microsoft artificial intelligence unit hire is a co-founder of DeepMind
The technology giant has named Mustafa Suleiman director of the newly created consumer AI unit. Microsoft has taken a substantial step in strengthening its artificial intelligence side by naming one of Google’s DeepMind co-founders Mustafa Suleiman the director of the company’s new consumer AI unit. Suleiman was critical to DeepMind over a decade ago British entrepreneur Suleiman was a core participant in DeepMind’s founding in London in 2010 when it was first created. Suleiman will work under Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella’s guidance in taking the lead of a new artificial…
Read MoreArtificial intelligence scientists leave Google to launch their own startup
The startup is called Holistic upon its creation and could focus on developing a new AI model. Two artificial intelligence scientists from DeepMind, Google’s AI subsidiary are reportedly in talks with investors to launch their own AI startup in Paris. According to Bloomberg News, Karl Tuyls and Laurent Sifre are considering the startup over Google. The two artificial intelligence scientists had already announced that they would be leaving DeepMind by the time this article was written. They are in negotiations in a financing round for a startup that could bring…
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