Online fraud has become a real threat to many consumers, especially those who pay for goods and services using credit cards. That is why there has been a sudden upsurge in the number of complaints among cardholders concerning wrong charges from merchants. Online traders must consider chargeback protection to minimize any losses associated with such happenings. Additionally, as a merchant, you need to understand the causes of chargebacks and how you can prevent them. Why Do Chargebacks Happen? There are several reasons why this reversal occurs, which is why you need to…
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How to prevent credit card fraud while traveling
Paying for expenses when traveling by way of a credit card is the most convenient means of payment. But it is also risky. If yourcredit card has been compromised, you may lose a lot of money due to fraud. There are a few measures you can take to prevent credit card fraud. We will review some of the tips below. This will ensure that your credit cards are safe. You will also enjoy the convenience and peace of mind during travel if your credit cards remain safe. Here are some…
Read MoreBlack Friday sees lower online retail card fraud figures
E-commerce and mobile security held strong to protect online retailers and consumers this year. Both consumers and retailers were breathing more easily on Black Friday as online retail card fraud instances decreased this year over previous years. This represents the first time in several years that there was a drop, not an increase in e- and m-commerce card fraud. The fraudulent online retail card figures didn’t just fall slightly. Instead, it plummeted to 42 percent over the holiday weekend and most important shopping weekend of the year (November 24 through…
Read MoreMobile commerce popularity pushes fraudulent payment transactions to record highs
New data released in Europe shows card fraud was way up in 2016, as the U.K. suffers the most. A newly released report is pointing to mobile commerce popularity to help explain why card fraud transactions are skyrocketing in Europe. The United Kingdom is facing the largest losses among all the countries in the European Union, having recorded a £618 million (€713 million) loss last year. The European Union’s total losses were an estimated €1.8 billion in 2016, including the U.K.’s figure. The report on these figures blames mobile commerce…
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