Creative custom QR codes launched by EvoxQR

Unique QR Codes

Color, banner, and personalized barcodes now available through the full featured web app. Evox Facilities has announced the release of its EvoxQR web app, which provides a full featured capability for creating unique custom QR codes in with visual appeal for greater impact. The app allows its users to customize their barcodes to maximize their potential. The application is easy to use, and is based on a simple subscription system that uses tokens. By using its QR Wizard, customers can form much more creative quick response codes. The custom QR…

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Microsoft version of QR decorative codes – Hit or Miss?


There are definite pros and cons to the new Microsoft tag, their version of the two dimensional QR codes. As you can see, on the surface, the difference and where they excel, is their pretty colors and ability to produce different images. First released in 2009, these tags have fallen short of some critics expectations, but there still maybe more love for them down the road. Many experts state that generating a free, although plain, black and white code is better due to the fact that it’s not a service…

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