Technology news is getting exciting for the hitchhiking robot

Hitchbot mobile technology devices news

The Hitchbot has nearly reached its final destination through the sheer kindness of strangers. In Canada, technology news is starting to buzz ahead of the arrival of the Hitchbot hitchhiking robot that has made its way across the country and is now nearing the end of its trek from Halifax, Nova Scotia to Victoria, British Columbia. The creators have stated that the last reports from its mobile devices showed it passed Kelowna B.C. At that time, the technology news showed that the Hitchbot was on its way to the Open…

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Mobile technology news shows Americans embracing tech faster than Canadians

canada mobile commerce users

The same study also showed that Europeans were also using devices more than their counterparts in Canada. According to the results of a mobile technology news study which were recently released, when it comes to the adoption of smartphones and tablets, Americans are moving ahead much more quickly than their neighbors to the North. That said Canadians remain the most avid internet users in the world. While Canadians seems to be continuing to surf the web more than anyone else, it looks as though they are continuing to do so…

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