Gadgets sales plummet at BlackBerry

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The already struggling company has taken a massive hit and has just announced that it is forced to slash 4,500 jobs. Following last week’s announcement of the launch of new gadgets, and adding its BBM messenger service to the Apple App Store and Google Play for Android, BlackBerry has now also revealed that it is slashing 4,500 jobs from its workforce, writing off unsold phones worth over $900 million, and leaving certain sectors of the consumer wireless market. These are the company’s latest moves in a scramble to rescue itself…

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Technology news made as BlackBerry goes up for sale

BlackBerry mboile technology sale

After a dramatic attempt to recover the company after the release of its latest products, the for sale sign is now up. BlackBerry has just announced that it is now officially exploring alternatives for the company’s future, and the fact that it is considering its sale among those options is making top technology news headlines. The company, based in Waterloo, Canada, was once considered to be the industry leader and just recently dropped into fourth place. Shares in the company have been halted as of August 12 as the company…

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