Newly developed responsive contact lenses allows wearer to zoom in and out

Responsive contact lenses - human eye

Scientists from the US and China have collaborated to develop an innovative soft contact lens. The responsive contact lenses were created by a team of soft materials experts from the University of California-San Diego and Harbin Institute of Technology in China. The one-of-a-kind soft contact lenses are capable of changing their focal length at the signal of the wearer. The contact lens wearer can zoom in and out of focus with a couple blinks of their eye. The responsive contact lenses that have the power to zoom in and out…

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Augmented reality contact lenses worn by people this week

Augmented Reality contect lens (not actual device)

CES will represent the first time that the public will see AR contacts on actual humans. With a true science fiction feel to the technology, human ready augmented reality contact lenses will be worn at CES, which is running from Tuesday through Friday, this week, and will represent an important leap forward for the tech. AR tech has been seen in a growing number of forms from windshields to various kinds of glasses and wearables. These augmented reality contact lenses are the latest in this development that would give a…

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Augmented reality contact lenses may be in the not too distant future

  Curved LCD technology may be opening up a whole new world of technology Augmented reality, combined with the latest in curved LCD technology, may be bringing concepts that had previously been available only in science fiction into reality. This is the idea of combining a head up display with contact lenses for a whole new level of gadget. This could become possible as a result of the latest announcement from the Centre of Microsystems Technology, which has said that curved LCD has now been successfully embedded onto a contact…

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Pentagon orders augmented reality contact lenses from Innovega


Augmented reality lenses not just for video games! The U.S. Department of Defense is becoming more enamored with the prospects of augmented reality that, this week, the Pentagon issued an order for an augmented reality system that is used for contact lenses. The system, called iOptik, is developed by Innovega, a manufacturer of wearable interfaces. It is based upon dual focus contact lenses and Innovega claims that the system expands a person’s field of vision significantly. Because it is, essentially, a dual focus lens, wearers will be able to will…

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