The augmented reality device was meant to be launched on the heels of this year’s headset. While Apple still plans to unveil a mixed-reality headset in 2023, it will be delaying the AR glasses that were supposed to be a follow-up product launch this year. The postponement of the second gadget is occurring due to technical challenges in its development. The lightweight AR glasses will be delayed in favor of a cheaper version of its mixed reality headset. Apple originally intended to roll them out after its full-featured mixed reality…
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Augmented reality technology is at the heart of Apple’s future
In a lengthy interview, Tim Cook, Apple’s CEO, revealed that AR will be a “core” tech for the company. Apple CEO Tim Cook revealed augmented reality technology will become a “core” tech for the iPhone maker. He explained that the company was already “high on AR for the long run.” Cook also said “AR can be huge.” These statements have given a shot in the arm to rumors circulating that products using this tech are in development. The Washington Post recently received a lengthy interview from Cook. In it, he…
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