Mogix Accessories Smart Baby Bag Pro is its Biggest Ever Product Launch

smart baby bag

Mogix Accessories has announced its biggest and most unique product launch as the brand releases its new smart baby diaper bag, the Baby Bag Pro. The launch is accompanied by a special coupon code for a 80% off discount during the next few days and while supplies last. This brand new Mogix product is the ultimate in quality and convenience.  It is a spacious yet lightweight bag with lots of room, 11 compartments and 5 insulated pockets to keep hot or cold liquids at the right temperature all day. Beyond…

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Mogix Announces Their New Even Lighter Power Bank Bar

Small Mogix 5000

Mogix Electronic Accessories has just announced the launch of a whole new external battery charger… It’s half the size of its flagship backup power bank – in fact it’s a little smaller than chocolate bar, hence the new campaign for their pint size power bar – perfect pocket size!  This new product launch is being celebrated with a HUGE sale that will be available for only a limited time. The launch price of the new, lighter Mogix external battery charger will be $17.99, which is more than two thirds off…

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