According to the results of research conducted by NetMarketShare, the operating system through which there is the most mobile web browsing is Apple’s iOS.
The study showed that in December 2011, 52.10 percent of browsing on the mobile web originated from iPhones and iPads, while Android devices represented only 16.29 percent of mobile web browsing. Equally, 7.67 percent of all web browsing came from a smartphone or tablet device, which is a notable increase from February 2011, when it was only 3.88 percent.
The second largest mobile web browsing share, behind iOS, went to Java ME, which is common among many of the less expensive feature phones. It held 21.27 percent of the market share. In fourth place, behind Android, was Symbian, with a share of 5.76 percent, and in fifth place with 3.51 percent of the market share was BlackBerry.
Desktop browsing held a market share of all web browsing of 95.61 percent at the start of 2011, but that fell to 91.99 percent by the end of the year.
Throughout the length of the year, iOS held the top position, though the share level did fluctuate throughout. October represented its highest point, when it held a 61.5 percent share, though it began at its lowest point in January with a 46.57 percent share.
That said, among iOS devices, the iPhone and iPad web browsing represents a relatively even split. Equally, even if the iPad is eliminated from the equation, the web browsing performed over the iPhone still tops that activity on other mobile operating systems.