REI, a retailer that specializes in outdoor gear and accessories, has started their interactive mobile ad campaign, which features media rich elements that permit consumers to purchase winter apparel with their devices, no matter what time it is or where they happen to be.
The ads are being run on the mobile site for the Weather Channel, and were designed and executed by the BBDO Atlanta and Crisp Media creative agency, and the OMD Chicago media agency.
According to the OMD Ignition Factory’s director, Pranav Pandit, the campaign has been created in order to achieve two primary objectives. Pandit went on to say that this opportunity was driven significantly by innovation, explaining that “Given it’s ‘never been done before’ status, we put REI and OMD at the forefront of mobile innovation as we have done for several clients.”
He also said that the goals were to broaden awareness of the brand, while engaging consumers throughout the holidays.
The Weather Channel has said that this is the first time that they have ever seen or used a campaign such as that currently run by REI, which, they say, is bringing the next level to the mobile web. The main element of the campaign is an animated takeover that is pre-expandable. It lets consumers use the screen of their mobile devices to wipe the snow off the ad, exposing a micro-site, which they can then access.
At the micro-site, consumers will see the logo for REI as well as winter gear and other products like rock climbing gear, which can be purchased with free shipping.