QR codes are working their way into fashion

QR codes necktie ties

QR code neckties could represent a new form of mobile marketing instead of business cards.

A company called QR Tie is taking the barcodes in the form of QR codes into a new direction by working them directly into men’s neckties that would allow a person’s fashions to link directly to information stored online.

The ties come in a number of different styles and allow the wearer to decide when the barcode is visible.

Among the styles that are available for the ties featuring QR codes is The Charlie, which is named in honor of Charlie Chaplin, with others named after Cary Grant, Sean Connery, and Sidney Poitier. These fashions are meant to be used either by businesspeople who would like to make it possible to share their contact information through smartphone scans instead of having to exchange business cards. However, they can also be used by individuals who would like to be able to share online profiles, websites, blogs, and other spots on the web.

QR codes necktie tiesThe QR codes are printed quite subtly on the tie so that they are not the fashion statement, themselves.

The QR codes are included as the latest evolution of necktie that allows a personal brand to be promoted without actually looking as though the wearer is trying to include a barcode into his or her ensemble.

At the moment, the QR Tie is an element of a Kickstarter campaign that was just recently launched and that is geared toward making it possible to work QR codes into clothing without looking as though the wearer should be scanned at a checkout counter. From the front of the tie, it isn’t obvious that it is any different from another nice quality tie. However, if the wearer wishes to reveal the barcode, he or she merely needs to flip the end to show it so that it can be scanned.

The trick to these QR codes is that they are printed on the back of the tie, so that it is not presented in a flagrant manner. At the same time, it is just as easy for smartphone owners to be able to scan it and obtain the information linked to the code.

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