QR codes used in Argentina to find missing kids

QR codes missing children

Barcodes help missing children to be found in Buenos Aires

An organization in Argentina has seen the opportunity presented by QR codes and has chosen to take advantage of the technology to assist them in reaching their goals more effectively.

These barcodes are being used to help to spread the word about children who have gone missing.

The charity is called Bandera Blanca Missing Children. It helps to bring children back to their parents again when they have gone missing. This new technique using QR codes gives parents another way to get involved in helping to locate these lost youngsters.

The QR codes are placed in public locations so that smartphone owners can scan them.

At the moment, QR codes from this organization can be found in spaces such as parks and other areas where parents will bring their children to play in Buenos Aires. This technique takes advantage of QR codes missing childrenthe fact that these barcodes are becoming far more familiar to smartphone owners, so that they are more likely to be scanned for the spreading of their message.

The charity is calling their campaign the QRiosity Codes. Whenever its smartphone friendly barcodes are scanned by a mobile device, it directs the user to an optimized website that provides the details regarding a child from the area who has gone missing.

The Bandera Blanca Missing Children organization is hopeful that by encouraging everyday people to scan its QR codes when they are spotted, they will be able to obtain more information about the whereabouts of children who have been reported missing. This is a serious problem in the city of Buenos Aires, where the charity says that it receives an average of three calls every day to report children who have gone missing.

There have been many successful programs of this nature that have been cropping up around the world. Charities in the United States, Canada, Europe, and other locations have put QR codes to use to help to conveniently offer a larger amount of portable information. This way, the details about the child can be viewed at any time on a mobile device, instead of having to be retained in the individual’s memory after having briefly seen it on a poster.

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