QR codes used by digital system to ensure food freshness and quality

QR Codes used for freshness

QR Codes used for freshness

Scanning the barcode reveals additional information about the product.

At a time where food recalls and limited labeling make it very difficult to understand what is and is not safe to eat, QR codes are now being used to help to provide additional information regarding quality and freshness.

Scanning the codes allow consumers to inform themselves further about the foods they buy.

Many consumers find that when they grocery shop, they don’t entirely trust the labels that they see on a product. Though there are expiry dates on many items, it can be difficult to trust that this means that a specific food product is as fresh and unspoiled as that label might imply.

Researchers in Korea have developed a system using QR codes to offer real time food status.

This means that customers with smartphones would be able to use those mobile devices to scan QR codes that are linked to the real time information regarding the purchases that have been made by their supermarket. The data would be provided instantly, and would let customers know a great deal more about what is on the store shelves, and in the fridges, and freezers, and whether or not it is fresh enough for them to consider the products safe and worthwhile.

It will not only help them to understand the individual products, but also the condition of the food being offered by a supermarket as a whole. Scanning the QR codes will give them the ability to compare the freshness of products being offered by competing grocery stores, so that they can choose the right one for their families.

The program using the QR codes was developed by the Korea Food Research Institute, and considers it an effective form of monitoring system for various kinds of food products. This system can also involve a form of digital sensor that provides a continuous measure of the product’s temperature ranges and time from the point that it is packaged until the moment that it is opened.

The information collected by the sensors is sent to a central database, where the data becomes accessible to consumers through the scanning of the QR codes. This U-Food System has been shown to have an accuracy rate of 95 percent, according to its creators.

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