QR codes tech patent granted to Viscount Systems

QR Codes door access Keychain

This new technology makes it possible for smart mobile devices to provide advanced physical access control.

Software company with a focus on logical and physical security solutions, Viscount Systems Inc. has recently announced that it has been awarded a patent for its QR codes technology (U.S. Patent 8941465 B2).

That patent allows quick response codes to be used to gain physical access control through devices like smartphones.

This patent is a component of its greater Freedom Access Control Solution. It makes it possible for the easy and affordable technology behind QR codes to improve systems over traditional access for doors. According to a press release from the company, “Our QR Code innovation dramatically lowers the cost of deploying traditional access controlled doors, while also offering an unprecedented level of flexibility, security and convenience to IT and Security leaders across both the government and private sectors.”

This would make it possible for QR codes to be used to gain access to a controlled barrier or door.

QR Codes door access KeychainThe use of traditional keycards is considered to be secure and effective, but the cost per barrier is estimated to be about $2,000. For that reason, it can be cost prohibitive, depending on the size of the company and the number of different barriers it would need to protect. The newly patented tech using QRcodes is meant to replace those expensive card readers and put much more affordable hardware at those doors.

That hardware would use quick response codes that individuals would be able to scan using their mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. In that way, they would be able to gain entry just as they would with a keycard.

According to the Viscount CEO and president, Dennis Raefield, “Our customers demand a high level of security, but often have myriad IT needs that require their attention and resources.” He added that “Our QR Code innovation dramatically lowers the cost of deploying traditional access controlled doors, while also offering an unprecedented level of flexibility, security and convenience to IT and Security leaders across both the government and private sectors.”

The QR codes can be located in many different places, through the use of simple to install alternatives to the traditional hardwired keycard reader devices. The idea is that those can be reserved for areas that need the highest possible levels of security, while the quick response barcodes will cover the rest.

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