The quick response code generator site has launched a free stats page to assist marketers.
A free generator site for QR codes called, which was created by Mobile Leaves, has now announced that it will be providing mobile marketers with statistics relating to the use of its barcodes.
This service is designed to be completely free and uses data from millions of worldwide quick response code scans.
The service has a massive database that includes the scans from millions of QR codes from around the world that have results that are specifically targeted. According to a press release from the company, “We believe it will help marketers to achieve their mobile conversion goals, not only regarding to QR code campaigns, but to mobile marketing in general.”
Marketers that want to monitor the success of their mobile campaigns require statistics about the use of their QR codes.
According to the CEO, Diego Gopen, the purpose of this new option for statistics is to provide marketers with vital information that allows them to understand the quick response code and specific trends that are occurring worldwide. He also added that “This is a view into what’s going on in the world of QR codes and which are the best targets to focus on when talking about QR campaigns, what are their interests, genders, mobile devices, etc.”
The service provides a range of different filters in order to obtain the desired analysis of the results from the considerable database of scans of QRcode campaigns around the world. This allows for the retrieval of indepth statistics for a firm’s own mobile marketing campaign, as well. Among the filter options include country, age, year, gender, as well as the type of device that was used for scanning the barcode.
This information helps to confirm that the QR codes used in a given campaign have been properly printed, sized, and placed in order to make it easy and desirable for a consumer to actually use it. Moreover, this data can also be useful ahead of the placement of a barcode in an individual campaign, in order to determine the best way in which to use it for maximum scanning success.