These companies are using quick response codes in a number of ways to assist their drivers.
Among the latest trends in the use of QR codes has been that of rental car companies that have been posting the barcodes on and in their vehicles, so that they will be able to learn more about the vehicle that they have rented.
Moreover, these quick response codes can even direct the driver to a dealership that is local to them.
That feature can be very handy for drivers who have rented the vehicle and who liked it so much that they would consider buying one, once they return home again. This has encouraged some rental companies to enter into agreements with vehicle manufacturers so that they can both benefit from the marketing opportunity that stems from this customer education feature. All of this type of information would be difficult to include in the vehicle in printed form, but with QR codes, it makes it possible to store all of the information online in a way that is very convenient for customers to access.
These QR codes help customers to overcome one of the primary concerns expressed by rental car customers.
Though some customers try to find out what kind of vehicle they will be receiving, ahead of time, so that they can look them up and learn more, rental car companies will often end up changing the car based on availability, which can throw off the driver’s preparations. Adding a QRcode to the car lets rental customers scan using a smartphone so that they can take the time to discover the features of the vehicle. This allows them to best take advantage of all of the various safety and comfort options.
Other rental companies have also added the ability for customers to scan the QR codes so that they can learn more about their new location. This can include information such as maps, attractions, local events, and other points of interest that they may want to check out while they are in the area. All of these tools can enhance the customer experience through convenience and practicality.