Students attending Northeast Elementary can scan codes to listen to book summaries
Students attending Northeast Elementary School can now scan QR codes to build a better connection with their library, and experience the fun behind some of its services.
The mobile program encourages barcode scanning to learn more about available books.
The QR codes that are placed on the books in the library give the kids the chance to scan and then listen to information about what is found within its pages. The fifth grade students have been tasked with creating reviews for the books that they have read, so that other kids attending the school can listen to them and learn more about what the book is about.
This QR codes based program is meant to help incorporate technology into the library experience.
As students are more engaged when they use technology, these QR codes can help to build interest in the low tech books on the library shelves. According to Kelly Melson, a media technology specialist, “It’s a way to incorporate technology and incorporate the new devices we have in our building.”
Melson went on to explain that “We take an old project and breathe new life into it using technology. That’s always our goal as 21st Century Learners.” The books in the library still hold the same value that they’ve always had, but today’s students are used to using devices to obtain information and things to read. By using the QR codes, it brings these two worlds together quite effectively.
The 21st Century Learning at Kearney Public Schools provides standards for using modern technologies in order to effectively teach today’s students. After all, these are children who have never lived in a world without the internet. They are accustomed to using desktops, laptops, smartphones, tablets, and other mobile devices at home, and that technology can also be applied in the classroom and overall school setting.
The book report project currently includes QR codes for 70 different books at the Media Center at Northeast, and the number should grow over time along with the success of the program and as the students read more books.