According to the findings from Doctor’s Best, it is retailers who find the barcodes most attractive.
The latest data from the first sixth months of use of the QR codes on the front of the product labels has brought Doctor’s Best – a supplement manufacturer – to the conclusion that retailers find this style of mobile marketing to be more appealing than consumers.
This was what they found, despite the fact that the barcodes were geared toward shoppers.
Though the QR codes were meant to be used by smartphone carrying consumers who wish to learn more about the products and/or the brand, Doctor’s Best determined that the most common users of these barcodes were the retailers who carry the products.
The QR codes were found to be appealing primarily by store managers and sales associates.
This, according to the Doctor’s Best CEO, Scott Steinford. He said that the feedback that was generated throughout the first half year of use of QR codes on the front of their package labeling was that it was the employees of the retailers who were using their mobile devices to make the scans to the largest degree.
The findings came as quite a surprise by the supplements manufacturer, which had been using the QR codes to give consumers the opportunity to learn more about the products while in-store and considering a purchase, instead of having to wait until they go home to look up the information – which they may or may not remember or be inclined to do when they have left the store.
What they feel is that the use of the QR codes is greatest while still in-store, and that it is the employees working in the stores that make more scans than the actual general population, which they feel has not entirely adopted the use of these barcodes. However, they do see the benefit of providing this additional tool to the retailer, because it helps their sales force to become considerably more informed very easily. As there is notable potential advantage to this – and there is a chance that the use by consumers may also increase – it is expected that the barcodes will be fully implemented by the end of this year.