QR codes get another boost of cool from Shazam

invisible qr codes

Just when quick response codes were looking like they were sliding into the background, they’re being brought back.

QR codes have had a rocky road to travel since they first became commonplace in marketing and other types of print material, and while some had declared these barcodes to be dead, that may not necessarily be the case now that Shazam has joined a number of other large names that have recently incorporated them into their offerings.

Shazam has brought quick response codes into the latest update of its app for obtaining interactive content.

Recently, other popular and very large and influential names such as Snapchat and Alibaba had announced that they would be incorporating QR codes into their own apps in order to help to simplify certain processes such as following a friend over social media or verifying that a product is not counterfeit. Shazam has now thrown itself into the barcode ring by adding image recognition to its latest update.

The most recent Shazam mobile app update allows QR codes and watermarks to be scanned for interactive content.

invisible qr codesThese visual recognition features make it possible for users to scan packaged items, images, print ads, or posters using their smartphones or tablets so that they will be able to discover interactive content that is related to what they have scanned. This feature works with both traditional QRcodes and on images with Shazam watermarks.

This mobile app, which is primarily designed to allow users to be able to identify songs that are playing in the background by allowing the application to “listen” to a clip is now enhancing the experience beyond the changes that it has already made, so that interactive, relevant, and appealing content will be readily available to people who love music.

With the new app update, an entirely new world of possibilities has opened up for the users of the apps. According to the company “Individuals can wave their phone over any item with the Shazam camera logo on it or a QR Code, they will instantly get taken to custom mobile experiences including interactive content, special offers, and ability to purchase items or share them with others.” This could mean that QR codes are about to get a lot hotter than they have been until now.

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