Campaigns are being enhanced by quick response codes as it is bringing additional media to printed materials.
Although the use of QR codes isn’t necessarily anything new, they have started to truly prove themselves in terms of being able to bring digital components into print marketing, when used in combination with a mobile device such as a smartphone or tablet.
That said, it remains very important to make sure to pay attention to the experience provided to the mobile user.
According to Treci Johnson from AmeriCorps VISTA, using QR codes can be a very meaningful way to connect with people and to use online digital content to enhance a print campaign. It can also assist in outreach. But at the same time, Johnson warned that the mobile user experience should never be forgotten or the use of these barcodes simply won’t be as effective as is possible.
For the best possible results when using QR codes, Johnson is reminding companies not to forget the call to action.
Johnson is a Corporation for National & Community Service marketing and outreach specialist and recommends that in order to leverage quick response codes, a call to action must be made, which provides consumers with a reason to actually scan the barcode. Marketers need to use these QRcodes along with a statement that will tell them what the effect of a scan will actually be, as well as how to use it.
Marketers were also reminded that it must be easy for a consumer to actually complete the scan in an experience that is mobile friendly, as consumers will be less likely to actually use the barcode if it provides them with an experience that is too challenging or inconvenient. A reminder was also made that additional options are very helpful in this case, as social media sharing options, for instance, can help to expand the spread of the word by those who actually make the scan to those who may not have even been exposed to the barcode.
Multimedia features are considered to be among some of the best companions for QR codes, especially in the form of audio and video that effectively deliver the message in a relevant way.