The quick response codes have been added to signage following the receipt of a grant for the project.
The Wood County Park District in Ohio was recently the recipient of the grant for which it applied in order to make sure that it could add new signage including QR codes to its various parks.
The new signs and their smartphone friendly barcodes are now going to be installed in the parks.
The grant that was received by the district was for $750 and this amount is going to be used for the creation and installation of a dozen new signs that will include some QR codes that can be scanned by people with smartphones and tablets. When scanned, the quick response barcodes will automatically direct the device user to a webpage containing audio files that provide a range of different features.
Among the features that can be accessed through the QR codes are wildlife sounds as a part of tours.
In this way, the visitors to the parks can take tours of the parks and can listen to the various relevant wildlife sounds that apply to the various parts of the experience.
According to the volunteer services and communications specialist for the district, Jamie Sands, “The interpretive signage will provide park visitors with additional information about each park’s natural features, wildlife and habitats.”
The grant that is funding the signs was from the National Association for Interpretation. That organization works to provide small regional projects with the funding they need to boost the experience of park visitors in terms of the interactivity they can enjoy. The complete cost of the entire signage project will be $4,358.
The signs with the QR codes are going to be installed at the Sawyer Quarry Nature Preserve, Beaver Creek Preserve, Bradner Preserve, Cricket Frog Cove Preserve, Fuller Preserve, Rudolph Savanna, J.C. Reuthinger Memorial Preserve, Cedar Creeks Preserve, Black Swamp Nature Preserve, Otsego Park and W.W. Knight Nature Preserve. Visitors can scan the barcodes using virtually any free reader app that is installed on their devices, regardless of the smartphone model or operating system it uses.