A giveaway event by Movaluate has been designed to increase awareness of the value of these devices.
Movaluate has held a tag giveaway event that used QR codes in addition to NFC technology to help boost awareness regarding the value of smartphone devices that consumers are using every day.
The service is a part of the overall reusing and recycling program offered by the company.
By scanning the QR codes or using the contactless NFC technology on the tags, the user can gain access to fair market price reports so that they can see how much their device is currently worth. This helps to simplify the process of using the second hand device marketplace so that individuals looking to get rid of their current devices can find the best deal for selling or recycling them. It helps people to make a bit of cash while they reduce unnecessary electronic waste.
The tags with the NFC technology and QR codes are free to use by any smartphone owner.
They combine the use of quick response barcodes and near field communications in order to provide smartphone users with the fastest and simplest way to obtain an appraisal from Movaluate. Once a scan of the QR codes or a tap of the NFC technology has occurred, the type of device is automatically detected and a full price report is immediately generated and provided.
This is meant to eliminate one of the primary hurdles to buying and selling second hand smartphones, because it provides all of the necessary price research results in one quick moment. The fair market price reports provided by Movaluate allow both buyers and sellers to get a better idea of how much their device is worth so that they can make their transactions rapidly and with confidence.
Each of the tags with the NFC technology and QR codes are affixed to a postcard and are shipped through USPC First Class mail. The tags are distributed to consumers free of charge for as long as supplies last. All of the information for using the mobile features, receiving the reports, and shipping a device to be sold is provided on the tag.