There are new and creative mobile marketing strategies being formulated and executed every day. Many of which are driven by the ever popular QR code. Finding creative ways to use the codes is a sure way to catch the attention of consumers. However, there is no more innovative use for the codes than doing nothing with them at all. Such is the case with David Freidman’s series of “useless” QR codes.
Freidman is a professional photographer who attended this year’s SXSW conference in Austin, Texas. The conference played host to a number of innovative and inspiring mobile technologies. QR codes were a favorite at the event, sparking Freidman’s interest in attributing some humor to the black and white blocks.
While the codes have become famous for their ability to connect consumers and businesses, Freidman believes that all that can be lost shortly after a business transaction is over.
Each code that Freidman created links to a simple text message – punch lines to the text preceding the codes. By using them in this way, the codes are freed from the sometimes routine embrace of the marketing world. The codes are being used so much by businesses that it is easy to overlook the fact that anyone can make them for free online.
Freidman’s useless codes have generated their fair share of laughs, proving that QR codes need not be so serious all the time. You can get more info at his blog: