The tech giant has now made its mobile network available to Nexus 6 users in the United States.
The long awaited news of a mobile network launch from Google has now finally been made as its Project Fi service has had its first start in the United States in a limited release that is exclusive to the owners of Nexus 6 devices.
The announcement was made by Google, itself, which described the details of the service in a bog post.
According to the Google blog post, the Project Fi service will cost Nexus 6 users in the United States $20 per month for the basic plan. That plan includes talk, text, WiFi tethering, and coverage in more than 120 different countries. Beyond the basic plan, customers can choose to pay an additional $10 per month for every 1GB more of data that they want. One interesting point that was made was that if a customer should purchase too much data and if it is not used, that customer will receive a pro-rated refunded amount back into their account.
Google has accepted the limited launch of its Project Fi but is working with other providers in order to expand.
At the moment, Google has reported that it is working with both T-Mobile and with Sprint in order to be able to broaden the coverage available to its mobile network service subscribers. Currently, it is able to offer its customers 4G services in the majority of large metropolitan areas. Other parts of the United States are being served with 3G. According to a coverage map, it is Montana that has the most limited amounts of service available.
In order to keep the launch under control, Google has decided to take a tack that it has used for many of its initial services launches in the past, by making Project Fi available only by invitation. It is expected that as it gets settled into this industry and as its coverage broadens, this invitation system will be dropped for a more open subscription experience. At the time of the writing of this article, it was too early to obtain an opinion from the customers who had experienced it, but it will be interesting to see how yet another industry is rocked by Google.